WOW, 2014!

Well, 2014 was busy, huh? John played 130+ shows in 30 states, 3 Canadian provinces, 7 countries in the UK/EU, and a boat. There was a new album, a bunch of radio appearances, CBS This Morning, The Late Show With David Letterman, BBC radio and television, and some really kind articles in the press.
We've put a multimedia timeline of the year's activity on the website for your enjoyment: lots of pictures and video to remind us all of everything that happened, and maybe a few things you might have missed, like…

Everyone at Fullbright HQ would like to thank all of you, John's friends and fans, for your support this year. If you've listened to the music, bought a song, come to a show, or told your friends about John, we are grateful. You're what keeps the engine running.
John is taking a little down time in the first part of 2015, to write some songs and recharge his batteries, so we can all turn around and do it again! We'll be keeping you all in the loop, so you'll know what's going on and when John will be visiting near you. "Like" John on Facebook, follow him on Twitter, track him on BandsinTown, and we'll see you all next year!